I won't lie, this might've been the hardest decision I have had to make for our models yet. This was such a great group of diverse applicants! The quality of our applicants is only going up with time and I cannot express my appreciation enough for the people who were willing to put themselves out there and apply.
That being said, I can't take on every single pup who applies and this breaks my heart. Before I announce our new models, I want to say thank you to all who applied. If you were not selected, please do not let it dissuade you from continuing to apply for model searches in the future. You are all beautiful pups and pup parents and I feel honored and grateful that so many of you applied.
Now for the exciting stuff! We are happy to announce our most globally diverse group of pups yet... from New Zealand to Canada, we are thrilled to announce our six summer models of 2019!
Hailing from New Zealand... The gorgeous Mocha!

Mocha is a stunning Springer Spaniel who has been a long time lover of our products. Her hobbies include hiking, getting really really muddy, looking gorgeous af, and hanging out with her many animal siblings.
Joining us once again from Germany... Pina!
Pina is fiercely gorgeous. Think Beyonce in a doggie body. This two year old pup has matured in a gorgeous and well behaved lady who knows how to work it in front of the camera.
Another pup we are welcoming back... London!
London wowed us the first time around with her stunning photography skills and we just couldn't turn down the chance to work with our favorite Canadian pup again! London is a gorgeous Sable Shetland Sheepdog from Canada who enjoys hiking and posing for her mom in all her gorgeous gear.
From the dusty heat of Texas, we welcome... Sir Winston!
Winston might be just a tad crosseyed but we are in love with his stunning personality and dapper good looks! A fantastic ambassador for Staffies, Winston makes friends everywhere he goes and it's easy to see why! How can you resist that face? Welcome to the team Winston!
Hailing from Boston we have... Koda!
Koda is an ultra dapper Pomsky (that's a Pomeranian mixed with a Husky for those who aren't up on their doggie breeds) whose fluffy tail and to die for eyes melted our hearts. This pup loves to be out on the town and recently showed his support by attending Boston's Pride Day. Now that's the kind of pup to bring home to the parents!
Last, but not least we have a pup from our native California... Chia!
Like a true California pup, Chia loves spending time at the beach when she isn't melting hearts with those big brown eyes. Chia was originally a street puppy in Tijuana, Mexico before her parents rescued her last year. If you sneak a peek at her Insta, you can clearly see she has been living the good life ever since. Chia you are too gorgeous for words!
And there you have it! Our 6 new summer 2019 models! Welcome to the team guys!